I had been thinking for several years about doing a necklace with a word or words on it but couldn't decide what word to do the first time I made one back in 2015. I had a long list but just couldn't decide so on a whim I just chose "words", while having the thought that probably no on would be interested in buying it. To my surprise it sold very fast to a woman as a present for her daughter who was an English major and blossoming writer. She was very excited to find it. 7 or 8 months later, in 2016, I made the "flow" necklace. That's always been a word that has a positive and interesting feeling for me. It too sold very soon to another woman excited to have that word to wear. My list of potential words has grown quite long, I've even solicited input from customers and friends but I'm having difficulty deciding what the next one will be. I could repeat "words" & "flow" since they sold, but somehow that doesn't seem appropriate, I need to do a new word. I want to do a new one before our next show, at Los Altos, south of San Francisco. The word that is currently dancing in my mind is "Dance". We'll see if that manifests itself in metal.