Back about 20 years
ago or so when I first
got into making cold connected mixed metal beads, it became an interesting obsession for a while. I remember once that I could hardly make any other jewelry form for 5 or 6 weeks which is unusual for me. I would walk around with 10 or 12 beads on a chain and show them to anyone who stopped to look. The first ones were just a bead on a chain like the one at the upper left in the collage here, but soon I started looking for other ways to use them because I liked making them so much. And also they started selling quite well at art fairs that I was participating in. I have sold hundreds of them at this point. I started putting them in earrings, bracelets, as parts of more complex pendants, even a couple of rings and anything else that I could think of. It was truly play time for me. These pictured are just a few of the pieces that I did. I still make a few beads now but not like before although, who knows, the obsession might strike again at any time.